Privacy Policy

Your Privacy Matters to Us

Northumberland Meats is committed to maintaining your privacy. This privacy policy outlines how we collect and process personal data. Please read it carefully to understand our practices regarding your information.


  • Personal Data: Refers to any information about you that is personally identifiable, such as your name, address, car registration number, payment details, telephone number, or email address.

  • You: As a user of our website at

  • We/Us/Our: Northumberland Meats, a partnership

Scope of this Policy

- This policy applies to the collection and use of your personal data by us and those authorized by us.

- It does not cover third-party websites linked from our site or advertisers. Please review their privacy policies when visiting those sites.

Acceptance of Terms

- By accessing and continuing to use the Website, you accept the terms of this policy. If you disagree with any part of our policy, please refrain from using the Website.

- If you provide personal data about someone else (e.g., purchasing goods as a gift), you confirm that you have obtained their consent for us to process their information as outlined in this privacy policy.

Customer and Recipient Information

- Accurate personal information is crucial for effective communication with both customers and recipients.

- We value your privacy and will never lease, rent, or sell your private information.

During Checkout, We Collect:

1. Customer’s Email Address:

- Used for order confirmations, substitution information, dispatch confirmations, and delivery notifications.

- Also used for marketing communications.

2. Customer’s Full Name and Address:

- Used for credit and debit card validation.

3. Customer’s Telephone Number:

- Used to address order issues (e.g., payment failures, delivery problems) and send delivery text messages.

4. Recipient’s Full Name and Address:

- Vital for accurate product delivery.

- Used for marketing communications.

Information We Collect and How:

- Details of transactions and order fulfillment.

- Information provided via forms on our Website (e.g., registration, subscription, problem reporting).

- Correspondence records when you contact us.

- Optional survey/feedback responses for research purposes.

Your Visits to Our Website:

- We collect traffic data, location data, weblogs, and other details related to your visits.

- This helps us improve our services and tailor content to your needs.

Please note that this privacy policy is subject to change, and we recommend reviewing it periodically. If you have further questions or need clarification, feel free to reach out to us.